Sunday, September 12, 2010

In Which I Wonder About Zombies

Dear Void,

Let's have a chat about why I am opposed to waking up in the morning. I'm convinced that the world is trying to turn everyone into zombies. But since biting people is a terrible way to spread disease (it's so inefective, think about it,) the zombie-plot-makers had to come up with a new idea. So they chose sleep deprivation.

If I want to be a sucessful high school student--that is to say, if I want to get into college with any hope of a scholarship--I have very few choices about how to live my life. Or so I've been brainwashed into believing. First, I have to take AP classes--and get A's in all of them--and pass the test in all of them. Translation: roughly three and half hours of homework per night, if I only take a few of them. Then I have to fill up my class schedule with other classes as well. So throw in another hour of homework. Then I have to be involved in extracirricular activities, so add another two-five hours of work there. Sometimes more. So just with those and the six regular hours if school, we're looking at about thirteen hours of dedicated time every day.

Then there are social requirements. For instance, I have to spend time with my friends if I want to be a socially normal (and therefore easy-to-work-with) person in my life. Throw in maybe half an hour every day. Then, dating. If I wanted to get into a relationship (which I don't, which is a rant for another day,) I would be required to give roughly another hour per day to my boyfriend. More if he's the needy type.

Then with family, church reponsibilities, doctor appointments, and the obligatory slavery to Facebook, we're looking at a required eighteen hours or so of being up and running every day. Then throw in travel time--nineteen, nineteen and a half hours per day? and finally "relaxation" time where I need to do something for myself--because it's healthy, say all the doctors (they, by the way, fully support the zombie conspiracy)--and in which I actually spend my time wishing I were asleep. So that leaves about... four hours of sleep per night, assuming I give in to all of the wishes of a world run by zombieists.

Want to meet for lunch tomorrow? We can eat the brains of some unsuspecting humans!