Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In Which I Discover a Dangerous Problem

Dear Void,

Breakfast. It's supposed to be the most important meal of the day, right? Then why is it so hard to stomach? Seriously, making myself eat breakfast is so much more difficult than makes sense. I thought during the school year that my issue was only with eating at 6:00 in the morning in the middle of winter when every part of me is freezing and I just want to curl back up in bed for the next many many hours. (Note: read that like a Lorelai rant in your head. If you don't know what I mean, you need to go watch Gilmore Girls right now!) But it turns out that I just don't like to eat breakfast! This morning I rolled out of bed slothishly at 10:30 (which disgusts me slightly, but what can you do?) and when I came upstairs to find something to eat so that I would stop shaking, I found that the concept of putting food in my mouth sounded completely miserable.

This can't be healthy. But what do I do to change it? I especially need to eat in the mornings or my body will throw a tantrum that will probably involve me passing out. And yet here I sit, blogging, not eating breakfast...



  1. I'm kind of the same way. Food doesn't sound good at all in the morning but I'm ravenous!! I'm learning to just eat anyway or be even more miserable :)

  2. Brynne, as I stalked your blog...I've realized AGAIN what a great idea it was for us to become friends! You're so great. Love, Kendra
    p.s. I also have Lorelai rants in my head. Like everyday.
