Dear Void (go watch You've Got Mail),
Today as I walked into a restroom I overheard a mother assisting her young daughter. The mother, surely with good intentions, was hurrying her daughter along so that both of them could get to their meetings. But let's be real here. Telling her daughter to hurry likely made no difference in how long she took. What struck me about the exchange was the little girl's repetition of the phrase, "I love you. I love you. I love you." She must have said it at least fifteen times. And the mother, so focused on getting to her meeting, never responded.
Now, I'm sure whoever she was she is a great mom. Obviously her daughter loves her! But I started thinking--how often do we let the opportunity to share our love slide by us? I have little doubt that if the mother had taken the moment to tell her daughter sincerely that she loved her too, she would not have been scolding the girl a minute later.
I'm aware that I have no right to judge.
I only wondered: why is it that the older we get, the harder it is to express real love? I'm not talking about a casual "love ya!" in the hallway. That's nice, but after a while it really means nothing. I'm talking about looking into someone's eyes and telling them that they matter to you. I think if we did that more as humans, there would be a lot less corruption, less pride, less anger, less selfishness.
So there's my two cents, hypocritical as it might be.
By the way, I decided to start writing a blog. I'm not really sure why, but it sounded like fun. I think I was inspired by my friend Caroline. Also, I'm addicted to writing. But as for the technological side of all this, I'm still kinda lost. Maybe I'll improve, but for now just don't worry about it! I'm here to make sweeping generalizations and the occasional profound point. Smiley face. (Ha. Haha. Okay I'm shutting up now.)
Best of luck with everything until we meet again.
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